Virus and Malware Removal

Thoroughly scanning and eliminating viruses, malware, spyware, and other security threats affecting system performance.

Hardware Diagnostics and Repair

Identifying and fixing hardware issues such as faulty components, overheating, or hardware upgrades like RAM, hard drive, or graphics card installations.

Operating System Repair and Installation

Repairing corrupted operating systems, reinstalling operating systems, and updating system software to ensure proper functionality.

Data Recovery and Backup Solutions

Recovering data from damaged or corrupted storage devices and providing backup solutions to prevent data loss in the future

Software Troubleshooting and Installation

Diagnosing and resolving software-related issues, including application crashes, software conflicts, or installation of new software programs.

Network Setup and Troubleshooting

Setting up or troubleshooting home or office networks, resolving connectivity issues, configuring routers, and ensuring secure network connections.

Hardware Upgrades and Custom Builds

Upgrading hardware components such as RAM, hard drives, or graphics cards to enhance system performance and offering custom-built PCs tailored to specific needs.

Remote Technical Support

Providing remote assistance to address minor issues, software installations, or offering technical guidance without the need for an in-person visit.

Consultation and Maintenance Services

Offering advice on computer maintenance, optimizing system performance, and providing regular maintenance services to keep systems running smoothly.

Data Security and System Optimization

Implementing security measures, optimizing system settings, and ensuring data privacy through encryption and secure backup solutions.

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